About nxRT

A major evolution in high capacity wireless connectivity has been in the making with the unleashing of the new generation of cellular technology. Vehicle-to-everything (V2X) is the vision and platform for networking vehicles together and to their surroundings to improve safety, reduce traffic congestion, and pave the path for a more reliable autonomous driving. Although still in early phase of development, fundamental enabling technologies are being continually developed and tested by a variety of sectors in the industry that will lead to large-scale adoption of the V2X networks in the coming years.

Founded in 2022, nxRT aims to serve the advancement of the the infrastructure section of the C-V2X and DSRC market by providing road side unit (RSU) RF front-ends such as directional antennae, PA/LNA gain blocks, and beamformers. We also welcome inquiries for collaborations and customization of our products. Feel free to contact us for more information.